CSS2允许你为不同的媒体类型(比如屏幕或打印)设置不同的样式。现在CSS3通过增加了媒体查询(media queries)这一属性,使其变得更为高效。你可以在媒体类型中添加表达式来检查不同的条件添加不同的样式。例如,你可以为大显示器使用一种样式,为移动设备使用另一种样式,这是相当有用的,因为它允许你在不改变内容的情况下,为不同的分辨率和设备量体裁衣。继续阅读本文的教程和一些很好利用了媒体查询的网站。

CSS3媒体查询 (CSS3 Media Queries)


最大宽度(Max Width )

The following CSS will apply if the viewing area is smaller than 600px.


@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .class {
    background: #ccc;

If you want to link to a separate stylesheet, put the following line of code in between the <head> tag.


<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 600px)" href="small.css" />

最小宽度(Min Width )

The following CSS will apply if the viewing area is greater than 900px.


@media screen and (min-width: 900px) {
  .class {
    background: #666;

多个媒体查询(Multiple Media Queries )

You can combine multiple media queries. The following code will apply if the viewing area is between 600px and 900px.


@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px) {
  .class {
    background: #333;

设备宽度(Device Width )

The following code will apply if the max-device-width is 480px (eg. iPhone display). Note: max-device-width means the actual resolution of the device and max-width means the viewing area resolution.


@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
  .class {
    background: #000;

对于iPhone4(For iPhone 4 )

The following stylesheet is specifically for iPhone 4 (credits: Thomas Maier).

下面的CSS是专门为iPhone4设计的。(credits: Thomas Maier).

<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)" type="text/css" href="iphone4.css" />

对于iPad(For iPad )

You can also use media query to detect orientation (portrait or landscapse) on the iPad (credits: Cloud Four).

你还可以在iPad使用媒体查询检测方位(头像或是风景)(credits: Cloud Four).

<link rel="stylesheet" media="all and (orientation:portrait)" href="portrait.css"> 
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all and (orientation:landscape)" href="landscape.css">

对于IE浏览器的媒体查询(Media Queries for Internet Explorer)

Unfortunately, media query is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or older. You can use Javascript to hack around. Below are some solutions:


  • CSS技巧 - 使用jQuery来检测浏览器的大小
  • 蓝衣人-使用Javascript(本文成文6年前)
  • jQuery的媒体查询插件

  • 示例网站(Sample Sites )

    You need to view the following sites with a browser that supports media queries such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Go to each site and see how the layout responds base on the size of your browser winow.



    • Large size: 3 columns sidebar
    • Smaller: 2 columns sidebar (the middle column drops to the left column)
    • Even smaller: 1 column sidebar (the right column shift up below the logo)
    • Smallest: no sidebar (logo & right column shift up and the other sidebar columns move below)
    • 大尺寸: 3列侧边栏
    • 小: 2列侧边栏(中间栏下降到左边的列)
    • 更小: 1列侧边栏(右列标志下方转移)
    • 最小:没有侧边栏(logo及右列上移,另一侧边栏移动到下方)

    screen capture


    The layout switches between one column, 2 columns, and 4 columns depend on the viewing area of your browser.


    screen capture

    A List Apart

    • Large size: navigation at the top, 1 row of pictures
    • Medium size: navigation on the left side, 3 columns of pictures
    • Small size: navigation at the top, no background image on logo, 3 columns of pictures

    • 大尺寸:导航在顶部,1排图片
    • 中型:导航在左侧,3列图片
    • 体积小:导航在顶部, LOGO没有背景图像,3列图片

    screen capture

    Tee Gallery

    This one is very similar to previous example Colly, but the difference is the images of TeeGallery resize as the layout stretchs. The trick here is use relative percentage value instead of fixed pixel (ie. width=100%).

    这个和前面的例子Colly非常相似,但不同的是TeeGallery的图像随着布局改变自动调整大小。这里的技巧是使用相对固定像素值,而不是百分比(即宽度= 100%)。

    screen capture


    Keep in mind: having an optimized stylesheet for mobile devices doesn't mean your site is optimized for mobile. To be truly optimized for mobile devices, your images and markups need to cut on the load size as well. Media queries are meant for design presentation, not optimization.
